To find out, here are some questions you should ask:
Disability income insurance helps you make ends meet until you’re able to return to work. Why risk losing the lifestyle you’ve worked so hard to create? To help you assess if the income protection you have in place is adequate, see what may happen if you were too sick or hurt to work.
May is Disability Insurance Awareness Month
Your most valuable asset is not your home, car, electronics, or jewelry. It’s your ability to earn a living. Have you protected your most valuable asset?
Think about this: All your plans for the future: owning a home, paying for your kids college education, retiring while still young and healthy – all assume that you’ll continue to
to earn a paycheck until you reach your goals. What if those paychecks stopped?
That’s where disability income insurance comes in. It pays you an income when you are unable to work due to sickness or injury.
Even though disability is the number one cause of home foreclosures and personal bankruptcies, protecting income has not been a high priority for many Americans.
People assume they are covered by:
What are your options?
If you’re fortunate enough to work for an employer that offers disability coverage, can you make ends meet after a 30% cut in your pay? If you can’t, then you should consider a personal Disability Income insurance policy to make sure that your take-home pay is the same when you can’t work due to sickness or injury.
If you have no group disability insurance coverage, then you should consider a personal disability income insurance policy to protect your paycheck.
May is Disability Insurance Awareness Month (DIAM), making this month the perfect time for Paycheck Protection checkup.
If you have further questions, contact disability insurance consultant Robert Kreimeyer at 1-800-800-7592, or 641-740-0754.